Thursday, May 5, 2011

Awards Night!

On Tuesday, May 17, 2011 the FFA banquet will be taking place in the E.O. Smith auditorium. There is a 5 dollar fee for ice cream and brownies. There is also an Award Ceremony for the students and scholarships will be handed out to the seniors!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Ag Mechanics

Tractor Pulls
Here's a Storrs Regional FFA member with his souped up lawn tractor

Brooklyn Fair 2010
There are divisions for all ages of tractors.

Storrs Regional FFA will be competing in the Tractor Driving CDE.
It's on May 15, 2011 in Rockville!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

FFA at the Capitol

The State Capitol

Today the FFA is promoting what they do to the people at the state capitol.
They have booths set up of the farm growers, Christmas tree growers, vegetable growers, and many more!!
They have booths of free food that they hand out all day, and promote Agriculture and Agricultural education!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dirty Jobs - Birthing a Cow and Storrs Regional FFA

Did you know that more than 90% if cows are Holstein? Also they are
 the cows that produce the most milk! They come in black and white
and red and white, but usually black and white.

Thursday March 3,2011 after school in the computer lab is the first meeting
Storrs Regional FFA Dairy Cattle Judging Team! See Makala for more info.

The team will compete in the State Career Development Event (CDE)
April 29,2011 at the University of Connecticut.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Girl VS Big Catfish | Most Amazing Fishing Videos | World Fishing Network

 Girl VS Big Catfish Most Amazing Fishing Videos World Fishing Network
               In Ag Ed, Natural Resources is the place to learn about fish.
      Stop by the salt water tank in the Ag Ed office that the students maintain.